Joana Saahirah´s World Blog

A Collection of Articles, Videos, and Freebies on Egyptian Dance, Self-Discovery & Empowerment

What my (genius) Percussionist taught me


In more than 20 years of career, one that grew abnormally fast, I was privileged to work with the best musicians in the field of Egyptian Music and Dance and even luckier to call them "my teachers".


Unlike so many dancers I knew, especially in Cairo where it´s not uncommon at a certain level of career to "own" your own orchestra, I listened to my musicians as if they were mentors, family, friends, creation and soul partners.


Make no mistake: they listened to me, as...

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You shouldn´t learn Egyptian Dance. Here´s why.




Because, if properly taught, Egyptian Dance disrupts your life.

Because it challenges you on levels you didn´t even know existed.

Because it´ll make you look in the mirror and say "I love you" with genuine feeling (and there´ll be consequences resulting from it).

Because it´ll open your mind, heart, body, and soul and we know how dangerous that can be.

Because it´ll show you the Path of Sacred Sensuality, a path that´ll make you a...

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Hips don´t lie – Introduction to Baladi

I am a “baladi” kind of girl – that´s clear to anyone who knows me.

Mahmoud Reda – my dearest teacher and friend, also the Father of Egyptian Folklore – told me many times: “you are a sophisticated fellaha (Egyptian peasant), ya Joana” to express the fact that simplicity and down to earth attitudes are the clay of what I´m made of. Snobs and arrogant ass”%&#$%&s are not my cup of tea, thank you very much.

Part of being a...

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